
We are all unique in the way we respond and feel when we face challenges. We all have our own dreams, talents and visions. We have different perspectives towards similar circumstances.

The DHARMI® Method supports you:

  • To navigate life transitions and manage stress with mindfulness
  • To manage your time, discipline, organization and create a support system for prosperity and wellbeing (Earth Element)
  • To develop your emotional intelligence for an evolution with values and healthy relationships (Water Element)
  • To develop your leadership skills and talents with confidence (Fire Element)
  • To clarify your vision and strategy with integrity (Air Element)
  • To live a life with purpose and intention (Ether Element)

Christelle Chopard, founder, mentor and author, offers 3-Month  or  6-Month Program one-on-one. The program includes online consultations, journaling and meditation. If you prefer a shorter commitment timeframe consultations are available as a single session, or as a series of seven to move through specific transitions with integrity.

To Read Testimonials Click Here.

To Schedule a Phone Interview to Evaluate How I can Support You Click Here



Consultations are available online or in person and focus on a specific aspect as mentioned in the section Holistic Stress Management Coaching

Each consultation focus on a specific aspect as mentioned in the section of Holistic stress management and coaching:

    • General Holistic Consulting based on the Five Elements
    • Wellbeing and holistic lifestyle
    • Relationships and emotional intelligence
    • Leadership and self-confidence
    • Mindfulness and vision
    • Stress management and holistic integration
    • Constant Evolution

Click Here to Register for series of 7 consultations in person

Click Here to Register for series of 7 consultations online


DHARMI-YOGA® classes (in person)

Healing based on the Five Elements (in person)

We are here to support you to navigate life’s transitions with clarity, compassion and mindfulness. You will receive the support to access and develop your potentials for abundance and fulfillment.

Contact Us at +1-786-529-5588  or click here